The Limited, unlimited.

If you’re a girl, then you know when you lose a bunch of weight and you get all giddy about being able to shop places you couldn’t before? Well, yeah. The Limited is one of those places for me.  Tiny little pants.  Tiny little tees.  All cut explicity not to accomodate my apple shape.  Now, they’re making their styles more accessible to all of us and bringing their new plus size line (eloquii), designed for women sizes 14 to 24, here to Indy at the Castleton Square Mall!

Yes, we still have a “plus size” distinction here in this wonderful world we live in.  Is that how it is in every country?  I imagine it’s worse in Europe.  Dear god; France.  Where a size 8 is fat.  But I digress…

I’m a shopaholic and I’ll shop anywhere once – and I’m a sucker for brands within brands.  The Limited‘s plus size line, ‘eloquii‘ promises to be “modern”, “young”, and “stylish”- all while respecting curves.  Damn, if eloquii is a man, is he single?  I know some single ladies that have check-boxes by those words on their wish lists.  🙂

The Limited is having an official Grand Opening celebration today through Sunday June 10th to celebrate bringing this line to Indy (at the Castleton Square Mall), where eloquii will be a store-within-a-store of sorts.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  I’ll be checking it out at lunch, searching for a dress to wear to the wedding of the year, and I’ll post my thoughts later tonight.

OH!  And – I’m going to give away an awesome gift courtesy of the nice folks at The Limited, too!

A sampling of the options in the eloquii summer line!



*disclaimer: You should be aware that I am eating a tiny piece of chocolate mousse pie as I write this.